What is a community college?

Community colleges are 2-year public colleges in the U.S. that offers the first 2 years of a bachelor’s degree. Students can earn an Associate’s Degree​ at a community college while paying lower tuition fees. They then have the option to transfer to universities across the U.S. to complete year 3 and 4 to obtain a bachelor’s degree. ​This is commonly known as the University Transfer Degree.

Entry Requirement

International students are eligible to enter U.S. community colleges once they have completed high school in their home country or attained the minimum age of 16 or 17 in some states. SAT or ACT is normally not needed as part of community college admission. Most community colleges require proof of English proficiency such as IELTS, TOEFL or Duolingo.

Easier Admission Process to U.S. Universities

Community college students often get easier entry to some top universities in the U.S. Many traditional universities have partnerships or agreements with community colleges that allow community college students to be automatically admitted into the university once they meet the transfer requirements, such as completing pre-requisite coursework and satisfactory grade point average. Many universities also offer preferential entry to community college students from the same state.

programme QUICK FACTS

Small class size, 20 – 25 students

Transfer to universities across the U.S.
Multiple intakes: Jan, Mar, June, Sept
Flexible entry – SAT, ACT not required
Exempt from IELTS or TOEFL *condiitions apply
International student community
Save up to 80% of tuition fees in year 1 and 2
Scholarships available
Internship and post-study work opportunities

What can I study at a community college?

University Transfer Degree

The 2+2 University Transfer Degree is highly sought after by internationals students as a pathway to top American universities. It is a good stepping stone for international students to transition into the U.S. education system while taking advantage of the full American cultural experience.

Students begin by taking general education classes such as English, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Humanities. This is the case whether students are attending a community college or a 4-year university. However, students benefit from lower tuition rates taking general education classes at a community college. In addition to general education classes, students also take prerequisite classes related to their major as well as some electives classes.

Popular transfer majors:
Business, Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Economics & Finance, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Health Sciences, Psychology, Communication, Art & Design, Music, Performing Arts

Career-focused Associate Degrees or Certificates

Community colleges also offer career-focused degrees to prepare graduates for employment. These degrees typically take up to 2 years to complete and are recognised for entry level positions in the employment market. 

Students may be interested in:
Business Management, Cybersecurity, Computer Game Development, Computer Network Operations, Computer Programming, Graphic Design, Culinary Arts, Dental Hygiene, Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management, Early Childhood Education, Criminal Justice, Music Technology and Sound Engineering, Physical Therapist Assistant, Nursing, Health Information Management, Energy Management, Aviation Maintenance Technician, Automotive Technology, Construction Technology, Drafting, Flight Technology, Manufacturing Technology

Transfer to over 4,000 universities across the U.S.

Students can transfer to over 4,000 universities across the U.S. from a community college, including some of the top universities and ivy leagues.

University of Washington
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
University of Michigan
UC Berkeley
Cornell University
Boston University
New York University
University of Texas, Austin
University of Southern California
University of Oregon
Arizona State University

University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Northeastern University
Emory University
Duke University
George Washington University
Rutgers University
Oregon State University
University of Florida
San Francisco State University
Purdue University
Pennsylvania State University
University of South Carolina

University of Pittsburgh
Portland State University
San Jose State University
Baylor University
California State University
Drexel University
University of Georgia
University of Virginia
Western Washington University
Georgia Tech
Ohio State University
American University……….and others

How much does it cost to attend a community college?

The average tuition fees is between USD7,000 to USD10,000 a year for international students
Completing your first 2 years at a community college can save you USD90,000 or more in a 4-year bachelor degree.


Choosing the right community college can be a daunting task for many international students.

Here, we have put together a list of some of the best community colleges in the U.S. for your reference. Feel free to browse through the colleges and contact us for more information or assistance.

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